Aligning With Your Purpose 🌈🌎

The Coco you meet today is not the same Coco from my early years.

Much of my early life was spotted with sadness. I spent my time struggling, ignoring the Divine messages from The Universe and wholly unaligned with my purpose. During this period in my life, I had blissful moments—I became a mother to four amazing sons, I built businesses, I can even say I enjoyed life. 

But was I actually living in my purpose? 


It was not until the death of my beloved younger sister that I truly began to see the beautiful gifts around me. When my sister left this earth, I was covered in darkness once again. My sister had felt like an outsider, misunderstood, and alone. The world was too much for her and she ended her life, leaving me with a broken heart and a deep sadness that will stay with me forever…but she also gave me the most powerful Divine message of all: to discover and align with my purpose 💕🧚

My sister was finally free to convey what she couldn’t earthside, now as my angel—my blue butterfly 🦋—in the skies above. She encouraged me to find my Divine gifts that were buried under my misalignment. Through her guidance from the heavens, I completely surrendered to The Universe, setting myself upon my path, and arriving to where I am today—an effortlessly abundant Divine Whisperer aligned with her purpose, helping to make the world a better place. 

And a better place starts with you. Just as my sister guided me, I am here to guide you towards your purpose, your gifts. I’ll do my guidance earthside, but know that your angels are here too, helping me help you!

The Universe speaks to us in many ways, and I encourage you to observe what signs, symbols, and patterns you are encountering in your life. Did you stumble upon this blog post? That is no accident—your angels are telling you it’s time for a change! Are you always seeing a certain sequence of numbers? Look them up with the words “angel number” following the numeral and study the messages your angels are sending you. 

It can be a foreign practice at first, but don’t worry! I’ll help you, my chosen family ♥️

From there, start to examine your life. What are your goals? Where does your passion, your love, focus its energies? Do you feel aligned with your current life? Do you have hope even in dark situations? These can be heavy questions to consider, so take your time. Meditate, journal, or reflect on the questions one at a time.

Your true purpose will begin to reveal itself and this is where the real magic occurs…✨

Instead of doing what is considered “right” or the logical next step, consider the feeling, the energy of each situation. Is there one you gravitate to instantly? Do you feel steady in your decision, despite what “society” might say?

Take the leap towards this path. 

And as scary as that might be, remember: aligning with your purpose is not about ease, it is about trust. Trust that you will know what to do when the time comes. Trust that what you desire is already yours, and trust that through Divine timing, all will arrive effortlessly and abundantly. You just have to match the energies of the abundance you already have, further aligning with your purpose❣️


Feminine Essence Morning Rituals Seven and Eight


Feminine Essence Morning Rituals Four, Five, and Six