Continuing Your Feminine Essence Morning Rituals Two and Three 

Once you have mastered or feel a shift to be guided towards deepening your Feminine Essence awakening, I recommend adding these simple, yet powerful rituals to your practice ✨ I promise you will experience a profound and powerful shift into your Divine Feminine energies, if you stay consistent and continue to grow within your practice. 

Let’s continue down this Divine path together 💕 🧚🏻💕 

(If you missed Ritual One, start there! )

Ritual Two: Awaken 🌸

Once you have completed your perfect day, have fully lived your vision and find yourself in bed 💤sleepily💤 smiling ear to ear, slowly begin to wake your body up. 

Sit up in bed and sip a glass of room-temperature water with a tiny pinch of pink Himalayan salt added to the water—flower essence water, crystal water, or just beautiful plain water work too. 

Listen to your body. Drink slowly. There are many benefits of these waters. I’ll save the full list of benefits for another post, but the main property of the magical minerals from the Himalayan salt is that it promotes cell and energy creation—minerals are electric ⚡️ And when paired with water, both can wash away any negative energies, recharge your body, and uplift your soul. 💓😊

Since you’re being such a wonderful and awe-inspiring student, I will give you a loving bonus and include Ritual Three in this post as well 💕💕

Ritual Three: With Intention 🔮

Once you are fully hydrated and awake, move to your crystals—don’t worry, it can be just one—and pull out your oracle deck. Choose the crystal and cards that call to you today, in this moment. Once selected, spread out your oracle cards and hold your sacred crystal in your left hand 🤚

Receive its vibration 💓

Then, choose an oracle card 💫with your right hand as your guidance. Crystals and intuitive readings can be one of the most feminine ways of attracting what you want in your life. Receive

your message from your card and your crystal. Internalize the energies and conclude this ritual by setting an intention with one sentence about what’s in your heart ♥️ or simply a word to live by for the day.

You may want to journal or record about the messages you’ve received on your phone so you can return to them later and unlock even more meanings. Also, don’t forget to always close your reading with a prayer of gratitude!

You are now two steps closer to your true Feminine Essence and your power. I share the next step in my sacred Feminine Essence Ritual sequence here [links to next blog]. 

Keep shining bright, my chosen family. I love you! 🌷💓🌷



Feminine Essence Morning Rituals Four, Five, and Six


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