My Love Letter to The L Word

As an Omni-Feminine queer womxn, I adore seeing the full spectrum and representation of love (beyond Cis-relationships) on TV, which is how I fell in love with the show The L Word. When it first premiered in the early 2000s, I could not believe how groundbreaking and brave the show was! I finally felt at home—the characters felt more like friends rather than womxn on a TV show! (They still do! 😂) 

I give so much of my heart-felt gratitude to the actors, creators, writers, producers—everyone involved with The L Word and the recent new series The L Word: Generation Q! Their bravery and the groundbreaking nature of what they portrayed on the series is one of the defining support systems for helping me feel less like an “outsider” in regards to my sexual orientation and even my identity. 

The acceptance and celebration of love from all beings of all genders, races, and backgrounds was uplifting, healing, and much-needed, not just by me, but by so many 💓 And there is something so comforting and affirming about the way The L Word brings not just awareness, but normalcy to an otherwise marginalized group of individuals living, loving, and being fully present in their purpose and power. But also experiencing the struggles that ALL relationships (and humans) experience! 

Through the lens of this show, I witnessed rich love stories of lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, and gender non-conforming individuals exploring unique challenges in their relationships and in society as a whole. It not only emboldened me to reveal my true self to others, but it also gave me so much hope. Movies, media, and books are full of cisgender relationships; finally, the queer community had a show to call our own, and a non-binary one at that!

But the biggest gift The L Word bestowed upon me was the realization that I WAS part of a family—my chosen family, and that I was NOT an outsider. And for that, they will always have my ♥️

It warms my heart to witness a show that is truly about inclusion, education around the challenges that queer couples and individuals face. And it has now become a refuge of comfort and routine whenever I need an extra bit of love from my L Word loves. 

If you have not watched the original season or the reboot, what are you waiting for?! This is your Divine sign from The Universe to dive in! 💕🧚


Awaken Your Feminine Essence Morning Ritual