Are You Cleansing Your Hotel Room Energy?

I know we have all felt anxious or overly excited when we arrive at a new destination ✈️ and we have probably blamed it on the travel itself, but I encourage you to try something new the next time you travel: cleansing the energy in your hotel room. 

Hotels accommodate numerous guests each and every day. And all of these guests arrive with their own energy and emotions—even you! By cleansing the energy in your hotel room, you are helping to reset your space and removing any lingering energies or stagnation from previous occupants. This creates a fresh and welcoming environment, which is always welcome—your hotel room is your home away from home 💖 and should be a calm sanctuary!

By cleansing your shared space while traveling, you will free yourself of added energetic stress, allowing for you to fully enjoy and acclimate to your fun travel adventures! You'll sleep better, reduce stress, and invite exciting miracles into your life and travels 💫

Here is how to give your space a full energetic cleanse upon arrival, adding extra joy into your travels ✈️💞

  • First, I say, “Hello room, thanks for having me!” as I walk in 👋

  • Then, I open the curtains and windows to let in the fresh air. (Ask the front desk if you aren’t sure whether the windows can be opened!)

  • From there, I spray my high-vibrational cleansing water.  I usually travel with  my homemade rose water made with pure Lake Tahoe water, 🌹rose🌹essence, and clear quartz infused with the blessing energy. 

  • After the cleansing spray, I like to use a pendulum to check around the room for any blockages or energetic hot spots. 

  • Once I have mapped out the energy in my space with my pendulum, I place my crystal in a prominent location within the room to create my magical portal 🔮

  • As a final step to ensure every inch of the room is covered in magical, cleansed energy, I use the angelic frequency so I am safe and protected during my stay 🙏I hope this helps you find peace in your travels and adventures.

I’ve also made a video of me cleansing my hotel room, which you can watch here. 

💞 Sending love, safe travels,  and cleansed energy, fam! 💞


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